Friday, November 18, 2011
This time it started with a craving. One that isn't very easily fulfilled.
Have you ever been to Whole Foods? It's great! It's pretty much a dream come true for anyone with "special" dietary needs. A few years ago I was introduced to their delectable Mock Chicken Salad. It was love at first bite and lately I've really been wanting some. A while back we bought a Living Social deal for $20 worth of groceries at Whole Foods for $10. I snatched it up and have been waiting for a good time to use it.
Yesterday morning I really started craving that salad so I mentioned to Kris that I'd like to make the drive to the Whole Foods in Arlington and he approved. All day at work I looked forward to getting my yummy salad so when Kris got out of class at 7 he picked me up and we left.
It started going downhill when the gas light came on. We stopped and got gas and realized that we were both too hungry to wait until we got to Whole Foods to eat so we went across the street and ordered food from Taco Bell. Half a mile down the road we realized they put meat in our bean tacos. Turn around, fix the order, back on the road. The drive was taking longer than we expected and finally we realized....we selected the Whole Foods in Dallas instead of Arlington on the GPS. Strike Two.
Finally, we arrived, I grabbed my little buggy and headed for the deli. I stopped at the right case, looked in and saw lots of vegan yumminess but none of my beloved salad. I walked around the entire round deli case twice then over to the prepackaged things on the wall. No salad. I asked the nice guy working the deli. He went and looked for me and.....came back with no salad. I was distraught. Did we seriously drive all this way for nothing?? We walked around the store and nothing else looked even remotely tempting. I looked into buying the ingredients and making my own mock chicken salad but I knew I wouldn't get it quite right which would only disappoint me more. K was being very sweet and trying to make me feel better which helped a little. He finally picked out some things for us to buy so we checked out and made our way out the door.
This was one of those nights where it felt like nothing could go right. The pregnancy hormones were raging and I just couldn't get over something as silly as a stupid salad being sold out. As we were walking to the car I was trying to adjust my attitude when I saw it. The irony begins. A bird was perfectly in tact and positioned belly out, wings spread wide across the Ford logo on the front of our car. Dead as a doornail and freaking me the heck out.
Cue the screaming, crying, pregnant vegetarian fleeing the scene.
I ran back to the front of the store next to the potted plants by the door and tried to regain my composure. "This is normal. This is not my fault. It's gonna be ok..." I pace the plant corner and start feeling a bit calmer. This was before Thanksgiving and Christmas so there were lots of little potted Christmas trees and nice things to look at. I touched and smelled the plants and felt the calm creeping in. One particular plant caught my eye and I finally fixated on it as (after a couple minutes had past) Kris came walking toward me. It was in a pretty clay pot and had several different herbs growing together. It was pretty quaint and had a plant ornament sticking out from the dirt with a clay turkey sitting on the top. Kris stood next to me, I pointed out the plant and told him that I liked it. We talked for a second about it and then I read the tag on the pot.
"Parsley, Sage, Thyme. Turkey Seasoning."
Then it hit me. This plant was for growing your own turkey seasoning.
Cue the crying, pregnant, vegetarian, sick of the bird irony and clinging to her husband for dear life.
Poor, poor, husband. He said lots of soothing things and started walking me toward the car but I wouldn't budge until he assured me that he had "taken care of" the bird and it was nowhere near the car. To this day, he won't tell me where it went. One of the many reasons I love that man. I got back into the car and he drove me home to Cowtown.
So the summary is: drive all the way to the big city for out of stock mock chicken salad. Get morbidly shocked by one encounter with a very dead bird and one innocently packaged dead-bird seasoning.
I know that this entire situation sounds ridiculous to so many people, mainly un-pregnant omnivores. But believe me, this pregnant vegetarian knows it was ridiculous and somehow I'm able to look back on this (and my entire first trimester, really) and laugh at myself. On any other day I would have been merely frustrated about the salad and mildly grossed out about the dead birds. On this day, however, that just wasn't the case.
So now, cue the laughing, happy, 2nd trimester vegetarian, who feels like letting the whole world read about her goofiness. You're welcome.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The day that I cried over fake cheese
It all started with a sneezy nose. The sneezy nose gave way to the coughing throat. The coughing throat brought on the lack of sleep. All of these things together = a day off from work, my friends. I needed to nip this cold in the bud before it took a bit out of me and my grape.
So I called in, drank a massive amount of fluid and went back to bed.
Fast forward a few hours and it was time for lunch. My husband came home and wanted to know what I wanted to eat. This is a difficult question for me these days but I decided that bean burritos sounded tasty. I threw together some refried beans and rolled them up in a tortilla with salsa and Daiya cheddar shreds (that's fancy vegan talk for fake cheese). Normally, this is the ultimate comfort food for me. It's warm, simple to make, and just what I need when I'm feeling a little under the weather. As the beans started warming on the stove and the smells of said beans started wafting through the air I started to feel a little funny. Suddenly, beans didn't sound as good as they did before. I shrugged it off, made a burrito for each of us and sat down at the table to eat. K started eating his but I just sat there and looked at my burrito. It looked fine. It seemed fine.
It made. me. wanna. barf.
I decided to pick up the burrito and give it a chance. I set it back down. This went on for a minute or so before Kris noticed my burrito indecision. He encouraged me to eat it and said that it tasted fine but I couldn't do it. No way, Jose.
After psyching myself up for a while longer I decided to try a bite. Get over my beany fears. Eat the dang burrito that I cooked even though I felt awful. So, I picked it up. Gagged a little. Took one bite. Chewed. Swallowed. Chased it with an entire glass of water.
I wanted to like the burrito. Really and truly I did! But for some gosh awful reason I just couldn't do it. I went and laid down on the couch leaving a very confused husband at the table.
You see, the day before he had brought me a sandwich to work. I requested ham (the vegan lunchmeat version that I've been craving lately) and cheese with honey mustard on toast. The cheese was a vegan kind we had not tried before and I was anxious to see how it tasted. It comes in a block that you slice yourself and my poor, sweet husband had a hard time slicing it. It was very thick on one side and paper thin on the other. My first bite of the sandwich was (unknowingly) on the thick side and it was terrible. Very velveeta-y and just plain wrong. I gagged, threw the cheese out and ate the rest of the sandwich but couldn't remove that terrible taste and smell from my memory.
So it's Wednesday and I'm lying on the couch thinking about that terrible cheese and how my burrito wasn't any good. Sweet guy that he is, my husband came over and put his arm around me to see what was wrong. Our exchange went something like this:
K- "You okay"
Me- "Noooooo!"
"Why can't you eat your lunch?"
"Because it's gross and I don't know why else."
"But you said that what you really wanted was a bean burrito."
"I know but it's nasty. I can't eat it."
"Well then what do you want to eat?"
"I want REAL cheese!!" (beginning to sniffle here)
"Okay then eat some real cheese"
"I can't! I'm a vegan."
"That's okay. It'll be fine."
(Boohooing now) "I want real cheese! I don't want to be a vegan! Why am I a vegan? I can't do it! I'm hungry for pizza."
I cried into my couch like the hormonal, semi-vegan, baby that I am. It was horrific and I hate to admit it, but this went on for quite a while. K drove me to a local burger placed and picked me up a vegan burger...with REAL pepper jack cheese. It was one of the best things I've ever eaten. Seriously.
I am so embarrassed about the entire cheese meltdown debacle, but putting it all over the internet sure seems like a great solution! I'll laugh at myself and let other people laugh with me!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Marriage Is...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
What We Eat: Part 2
So, here we go again! Weeks 3 and 4 of our May meals....
Monday, May 16th
Stirfry from Aldi
This is one of my go-to meals for busy weeknights. We buy a big bag of frozen stirfry vegetables and serve it over quinoa or brown rice and we each choose our own sauce. The bag is so big that we eat leftovers for lunch for's a hearty, healthy, super easy and quick meal that we love!
Tuesday, May 17th
Samosa Wraps by Fat Free Vegan
I've made these once before and we both really liked them. We serve the samosa filling in whole wheat Ezekiel 4:9 wraps which definitely makes the healthy score for this meal go way up. And, another plus, this is another meal that makes great leftovers.
Thursday, May 19th
Honestly, I can't remember! I know that I moved the meal I had planned for this night to Friday, and Friday's meal to Saturday but I have no idea what we ate. Oh well!
Friday, May 20th
Tofu Ricotta Gnocchi by Peas and Thank You
I had never had Gnocchi before this meal, much less made it from scratch. Honestly, this is the only recipe from this blog that I haven't been crazy about. I definitely don't blame it on the recipe, it just simply wasn't for us.
Saturday, May 21st
Philly “Cheese” Sandwich on Soft Pretzel Subs by Peas and Thank You
Good. Heavens. Seriously people, do yourself a favor and make this. Please. This is a Philly Cheese Steak imitation recipe and it was incredible. The recipe includes marinating portabello mushrooms, onions and bell pepper then sauteeing them. The vegetables are then served on homemade pretzel subs with vegan mozzarella. I can't sing the praises of this recipe enough. I think it's one of the best meals I've ever made and K totally agrees with me!
Monday, May 23rd
Chili Mac by Fat Free Vegan
Simple, lovely comfort food with a twist. I love the simplicity of a one-pot meal! It could easily be a main course (if you're into that kind of thing) because of the nutritional profile, but would make a good side dish, too.
Tuesday, May 24th
Thai Beefless Stirfry by Peas and Thank You
Another stirfry? Yes. It's one of our favorite things! I ommited the "Beefless Tips" because I don't like using processed meat substitutes very often. This involves a homemade sauce that made the whole meal scrumptious!
Thursday, May 25th
Souper Salad!
We had a coupon that made our total less than $10! We went with friends and had a great time!
Friday, May 26th
Spiral Diner
We very rarely eat out two nights in a row but this was a date so it doesn't count :-) We went to our favorite restaurant in town before going to the opera. This is the only restaurant that we go to where we can choose anything on the's awesome! I got a Portabello Cowboy Burger (Grilled portabello mushroom cap with bbq sauce, mustard, onions, pickle, and lettuce on a whole wheat bun) with pasta salad as a side. K got the Chopped BBQ sandwich (vegan, of course. I think the meat substitute here was tofu but don't quote me on that...) with pasta salad. For dessert K got a peanut butter chocolate shake and I got a banana split. It was amazing!! I've been wanting one everyday since then....but alas. Spiral Diner is a once a month treat for us and we really enjoy it when we go!
Friday, May 27, 2011
What We Eat
A few weeks ago I started using an online menu planner called It has been a wonderful way to keep our meals more scheduled, try new recipes that I've been meaning to make forever, and keep our grocery bill lower. Most of these recipes come from my favorite vegan bloggers so in this here blog post I'm going to post links to every dinner I've made for the last month. Yes, seriously. Today I'll post the first 2 weeks of May and later I'll post the last two weeks. I figured it would be a fun way to prove that we eat a very balanced veg diet without binging daily on nothing but canned spinach and peas. Let me point out, first, that I rarely cook on Sundays and Wednesdays because I leave home after breakfast and don't come back until after 9pm. On these days we eat leftovers or out at restaurants.
If you think this is the stupidest blog post ever, feel free to click that big red "x" now....
So, without any further adieu, this is my presentation of what we eat!
Monday, May 2nd.
A recipe of my own making. It's called Perfect Pizza and I'll blog about it one day :-)
Tuesday, May 3rd
"Cheese" Stuffed Bean Burgers by Peas and Thank You
This is a great vegan blogger who writes recipes that we always enjoy. These burgers were incredible and passed the husband test!
Thursday May 5th
Chipotle Lime Tempeh Tacos by Peas and Thank You
YUM-O! We had these with my homemade salsa and they were super yummy. This was my first time working with tempeh, a popular all-natural meat substitute.
Friday, May 6th
Lasagna and Chocolate Cherry Pudding Cake by Fat Free Vegan
This vegan lasagna was, no contest, the best lasagna either of us has ever had. Make it today and I'll come over and share it with you. :-)
The cake was incredible as well. It's a recipe for 4 individual lava cakes baked in ramekins. I used strawberry instead of cherry and these were still to die for.
Monday, May 9th
Roasted Chickpea Tacos
We love chickpeas! They have a meatier texture than most beans so I think that these tacos are definitely omnivore friendly, as well.
Tuesday, May 10th
Lasagna Leftovers...because I was too tired to cook.
Thursday, May 12th
We ate out! Believe me, I needed a break. We used a gift certificate to eat out at an Indian restaurant and it was the best meal I've had in ages. I could go on and on but I'll save you the bore...
Friday, May 13th
Broiled Sesame Orange Tofu by Peas and Thank You
Talk down on tofu all you want, but this was really good. Tofu is great when it's cooked right and we ate this over steamed Jasmine rice. It was simple and tasty.
Click on some of these links and let me know what you think. We loved every bite and I'd be tickled pink if you gave one of these meals a try!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Happy Birthday, Gershwin!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The Art of Comparison
Proverbs 16:9
Something that I have been struggling with lately is falling into the habit of comparing myself to others. It's something that I've observed many women struggling with. It seems as though we could always be thinner, keep the house cleaner, do our jobs better, or spend more daily time with the Lord. The trouble with comparison is that it starts as a small inkling and grows into the green monster of envy. I've been struck lately with how much I'm letting this bring me down and am making steps toward finding the root of the problem and praying that God would fill my mind with other things.
In high school I struggled most with comparing my physical appearance to that of others. Let's face it, most high school girls do! It didn't matter that I was, at times, really too thin for my own good. I was taller, bigger boned and clumsy. Constantly wishing to change my appearance, I couldn't help but feel inadequate. In college I gained weight, but did a much better job at embracing my appearance. Looking back I believe that my closer relationship with God helped me to realize that health mattered more than appearance and I was released from that constant nagging desire to be physically perfect. However, that doesn't mean that the comparing went away.
Being a performance major is exactly what it sounds do lots and lots of performing! During my freshman year I absolutely couldn't get over how amazing the seniors were. Before I knew it I had found a new thing to agonize over: performance perfection. How can I sound like that? Make that expression? Command the stage that way? How can I achieve that goal? Never satisfied with my own performances and always wishing I was as good as so-and-so, I missed out on learning some big lessons. Some days I fared better than others, but mostly I believed that I couldn't be as good as others. What a mighty waste of time!
Now, more than ever, I find my self caught up in what I'm realizing is the art of comparison. A place where so many things I do seem lacking in one way or another. It's a trap that Satan snares so many of us in and certainly a place that I'm tired of being. My biggest comparison weaknesses are that my house is never clean enough, my work is never thorough enough, my walk with God isn't strong enough, and that as a woman of God I'll never be good enough. What's most alarming with this game is that when you let sin take hold and you start doubting and comparing in one area of your life the floodgates open and all of your insecurities are laid out for Satan to have a hay-day with. It's sick and I know I'm one of way too many women who are struggling with it. It's easy to look at another woman's clean house, amazing work ethic, or spiritual fervor and wish that you had everything as good as she does. What I've been realizing is that we all have our struggles whether private or personal. So a clean house doesn't mean that "she" has it all together and spiritual fervor doesn't always create a picture perfect life either. Everyone has shortcomings.
I feel blessed beyond measure to have a husband that God has equipped with immense patience and understanding. He encourages me when I get caught up in all of this and lets me know that my worries aren't built on the truth; they're built on my insecurities.
I'm not writing on this topic because I'm trying to throw a pity party, but rather to come out and say that this is something that I'm working to tackle in my life. The following are some scriptures that I'm working on memorizing so that they'll be at the ready when I get down.
Proverbs 16:9 (from the top of this post)
To some, this may seem like a stretch but for me it makes perfect sense. Oftentimes, my comparisons are based on where I want my life to be instead of where God is leading me. This verse reminds me that my life is in God's hands and that his plan for K and I is better than my silly desires and tendencies.
2 Peter 1: 3-9
3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.
This is a passage that I'll be working on rather slowly as far as memorization goes...but it's a beautiful reminder. I have been cleansed from my sins by the Lord Jesus Christ! Verses 5-8 especially remind me that my efforts should be focused solely on the things that really matter. Should I strive to keep my little home clean as a service to my husband and our marriage? Yes! Should I work hard at my job? Yes! Should I be ever striving after a stronger relationship with the Lord? Absolutely! Should I compare my efforts to others and cheat myself of satisfaction in my spiritual life? NO! This isn't to say that I shouldn't be constantly challenging myself, just that I can't get caught up in someone else's race.
Exodus 20:17
17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
I'm not really coveting those things in the middle but the house and the "anything else" make sure that this verse covers it all. Do. Not. Covet. The tenth commandment makes it clear.
Whether or not you are struggling with the same things I am, I pray that you find peace and contentment today. I can't say enough about how great the God we serve is and as I walk this journey with Him I pray for these struggles to be cast out "in the light of His glory and grace."
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
True Stories
Maybe one day!
So, in the meantime here are some funny little things that have been done/said in our house lately and other random tidbits about our lives...
At Lennon's first trip to the dog park we discovered that Mr. Brave certainly has his scaredy-cat moments!
"Have you worked on your paper?"
"No...but I will tonight, I promise!"
....the next morning....
"Did you work on your paper last night?"
"Well, ya see what happened was....."
I came to work this morning in my house shoes. Unintentionally.
K is gone for 5 days/4 nights for a revival week in our college town. I miss him. It is sad.
Gershwin has taken up the habit of lounging on our bed in the mornings while pawing at Lennon on the floor. Lennon isn't allowed on the bed (Gershwin really shouldn't be either...) and I can just hear the jeering from Gershwin!
I cooked a ginormous pot of potato soup on Sunday. Today the temperature high is 101 and soup leftovers sound awful. Terrible timing.
I get more excited about low grocery bills these days than almost anything else.
And the stupidest thing to come out of my mouth since K has been gone....
"Lennon! Drop the panties! Drop 'em!"
I've been reading a lot lately on my Kindle. Right now I'm reading The Apothecaries Daughter. I like it!
Kris's semester ends in just 3 more weeks. Then, bring on the summer classes!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
My Mother
My mother used to tell me that I should make my bed every day. Most days I didn't because I would say, "But MOM I'm just gonna get right back in it tonight! Why does it need to be made?"
My mother used to tell me that my room wouldn't be messy if I would just put things where they go to begin with instead of being lazy and tossing my dirty clothes on the floor. "But MOM, I was tired!" or "Yeah yeah, I know!"
I used to think that one day I'd have my own place and I would never care if there were dishes in the sink, beds unmade, or general clutter everywhere when people came over. (And in a way, that's how I lived in college, but who's keeping track??) What a life, right?
Now, I have my own little home. It's small but I love it and I love the man I share it with. But somehow, I find myself saying the following lines way more often than I care to think about....
"Doesn't our room look so pretty with the bed made?"
"They're gonna be here in 5 minutes?? But there's mail piled up on the table!"
"K, could you please put your shoes looks nicer when they're picked up."
"No, I didn't call maintenance to come and fix the A/C. Why? Because the sink overfloweth with dishes, that's why."
"OH NO! That's tonight! But the house isn't clean!!!"
"Please don't judge my messy house!"
So this is my way of saying, Mom, that you were right. So very, very right. Things have a funny way of coming full circle, don't ya think?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The Mother of Invention
Anyways, I've begun to think lately that Invention has a few other mothers. Let's just say that Necessity had a little help in the raising up of her offspring. I think that her sisters, Hunger and Desperation, often contribute to the nourishment of Baby Invention.
The Evidence:
Yesterday, Kris and I came home for lunch and I was in a funk. Hungry, but I don't know what for. The office had been cold so a salad sounded terrible. We had the fixings for veggie wraps but that had the same appeal to me as a salad. Tacos sounded boring and a PB&J just isn't my idea of a satisfying lunch on a blustery day. I started hum-hahing around the pantry complaining about how nothing sounds good when I just get desperate and grab a can of tomatoes and go!
You've got to understand that I'm at that awkward stage between grocery trips when you still have a good amount of food but it's all random and nothing seems to go together. So, the following is a loose recipe for our Necessity-driven, Hunger-laden, Desperation-filled Invention of a random Tuesday lunch.
1 can of fire-roasted tomatoes
1/4 t. garlic powder (or 1 clove crushed garlic if you're not lazy like me)
1 t. dried basil
2 T. nutritional yeast (not to be confused with yeast used for baking)
2 T. ground flaxseed
1 t. crushed red pepper
dash of salt
dash of freshly ground pepper
2 T. of 1 jar of prepared basil pesto (the Aldi brand rocks!)
1 bell pepper sliced into strips
6 slices of bread
Dump the can of fire-roasted tomatoes into a small saucepan and begin heating on high. When it starts to bubble add the seasonings and stir until completely combined. Continue heating until the mixture becomes rather thick. In the meantime, toast the 6 pieces of bread and spread a thin-ish layer of pesto on one side of each slice of the bread. When the tomato sauce has thickened up (it should be just thick enough that it is no longer runny) spread a good amount of it on top of the layer of pesto on each slice of bread. Top with a layer of fresh bell pepper and sprinkle with some more crushed red pepper if you believe in the joy of spicy food. Kris and I each ate three....don't judge! We were starving!
I served these as open-faced sandwiches and it was sooooo good! I know that it sounds absolutely random but it was a little like having pasta in the form of a sandwich. The only thing that I would have changed is toasted French bread instead of regular but the whole point in this "recipe" is that I used what I had on hand. The nutritional yeast and ground flaxseed add lots of protein, vitamins, minerals, happy fats, and omega 3's while also being a thickening agent for the tomato sauce. A win win!
So, the point in all of this nonsense is to say that this Invention of a lunch was wonderful and different. I never would have stumbled upon the notion without the triple threat of Necessity, Hunger, and Desperation...the three Mama's of Invention!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Our Life in Pictures, Vol. 3

This is Friday, snowday #4. G was very very ready to go outside and this face says, "Mom please please please!!!"

K is not used to this weather! He enjoyed the snow but hated the accompanying cold. Just like me! If only snow were warm, I would like it. :-)

These are our cars. In our parking lot.
Oh, wait. You can't see the parking lot?
Yeah, neither could we!

Here are my boys, K and G, enjoying the snow! G's life was revolutionized by the white stuff and he was terribly distraught when it left. Poor guy!

I believe that G's love of snow is fueled by the following truth: Snow is the only substance in his life that he has been able to play in and eat.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Our Life in Pictures, Vol. 2


It keeps the wind out and the warmth in while serving the purpose of a hat, scarf and face warmer all in one!

This is the start of my very first venture into colorwork. The darker color is eggplant but the picture doesn't show that very well. I discovered that colorwork is fun and challenging...I used to think it could be nothing more than boring and tedious.


Monday, February 7, 2011
Our Life in Pictures, Vol. 1

This is one of the first pictures of the day.
I like the moment.

This is from not long after the one above.
I like the coloring she used and K just looks so very comfortable to me.
This is one of my typical faces. Just ask my mom. Or K.
I can't keep a straight face for long. Photographers seem to think that's funny.

A good one of just K.
He has the biggest smile! It's my favorite of his physical features.
His smile says a lot about his personality.
We're silly people.
Have you noticed?
This is my computer background at work. It captures our goofy perfectly.
I love this man more than my luggage.
Name that movie quote.
We are so glad that we have these pictures to capture this amazingly blessed time in our lives.
I pray that God keeps us in this spirit and continues to show us how to cling to Him.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Started back to school this week. Less hours. More music.
He's a happy camper.
Loving his church job and growing from it.
Sort of playing in a Reggae band.
Riding his bike more.
Playing his guitar more.
Has a couple of upcoming gigs.
Loves me more than I deserve.
Takes out the trash. I am thankful.
Is the most creative musician I know.
And that's saying something.
Is training me to be a happier morning person. I like that.
Should be receiving a shiny, sparkly new drum set in the mail soon.
Has incredibly generosity.
Makes me so proud.
My Boy.
Is officially housebroken. This is monumental.
No more wet spots on the floor! Hurray!
Is learning loose leash walking.
It's exciting. No more tugging my arm off.
Has the personality of a 6-yr old little boy.
Has the energy of a 6-yr old little boy.
Heaven help us.
Has started enjoying snuggling.
Has gone 11 lbs. over the housing weight limit and counting.
Loves people more than other dogs.
Has sweet pals like Buster and Boomer to keep him in check, though.
Is only very slightly spoiled.
Wants a sister named Dizzy. Seriously.
Or maybe that's just me, but still!
Keeps me feeling safe when My Guy is gone.
Is the best puppy the world has ever seen!
Still working.
Not taking classes this semester.
Learning how to be a better housekeeper.
Hating laundry.
Starting a 6 week vegan diet in February.
Knitting lots.
Enjoying being a wife.
Missing my Sherman and HPUville friends.
Addicted to Blood Oranges.
Still not sure what I want to "be" when I "grow up".
Trusting in God to tell me in His time.
Saving up for a Kindle.
Constantly coming up with bizarre names for the 15 children we plan on having.
Kidding, kidding.
Just being the same ol' me.